Discover all our
features & add-ons

Discover all the features available with our business management software, according to your business needs.

Sales reporting

Consult business indicators, cross-tabulations and graphs: business and stakeholder profitability, sales, etc.

Candidate assessments

Create assessments and complete them for the candidates concerned.

Job offers

Manage your job offers; match them to prospect/customer needs; distribute them.


Track a candidate’s internal co-optation.

Candidate follow-up

Easily manage your candidate database, skills, recruitment stages and actions, pre-positioning, etc.

Employment documents

Set up your promise to hire and employment contract templates.

Candidate thread

Follow and participate in internal discussions about each candidate.

[Add-on] Electronic signature by the applicant

Send documents for consultation and electronic signature by the candidate.

Customer and prospect database

Manage prospect and customer account files: organization charts, expected documents, addresses, etc.

Contact database

Manage prospect and customer contacts.

Pre-allocation of resources

Pre-assign employees, candidates or subcontractors to opportunities. Also contact your subcontracting partners to find a suitable external resource.


Declare and follow up opportunities (needs, tenders) detected with your prospects and customers.

CRM Alerts

Never miss a planned prospecting action or exchange with a customer again: appointment, call, e-mail reminder, etc.

Quotations & sales proposals

Meet the needs of your prospects/customers by creating a sales offer based on your preferred document templates.


Find the best profile to propose by cross-referencing expected skills, availability and location, among other things.

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