vsp, management software for umbrella companies

Automate and optimize the management of your umbrella company

VSPortage (vsp) is the #1 ERP software dedicated to umbrella companies. With vsp, you have a tool tailored to your management business and the needs of your contractors.

Tableau de bord portage salarial

They use VSPortage

Gestion des comptes pro en portage salarial

Managing your staff becomes child's play!

Take care of your company’s human capital (contractors and in-house team), build loyalty and support the development of your employees.

HR Management

Centralize, simplify and optimize the administrative management of your contractors. Offer them a central, reliable tool: pay slips, luncheon vouchers, expense reports, training.

Keep in touch with your contractors and pass on key information. This makes it easy for everyone to keep track of actions to be taken, requests to be processed, and exchange documents…

Give each employee access to a personalized dashboard, where he or she can consult sales, management costs, gross salary and financial reserves.

Compte d'exploitation société de portage salarial

Control your finances

Gone are the headaches of “Excel files” and reporting tables all over the place. With vsp, you finally have a clear picture of your finances.

Financial management

Control and anticipate your finances without relying on accounting. Consult your updated financial reports in real time and monitor your budget.

Automate your invoicing process and produce error-free invoices with vsp Fast Billing. Never forget to issue an invoice again, and send out reminders to your customers in just a few clicks.

Manage your suppliers and track your purchases. Re-invoice purchases related to your business and determine your profitability instantly.

Gestion des missions en portage salarial

Manage and develop your business with peace of mind

With vsp, you control all the phases of freelance administration, a fast-growing market, and guarantee a high quality of service.

Managing your employees' assignments

Manage and track your business through a cross-functional vision and processes adapted to freelance administration. Stay informed in real time with notifications.

Offer your employees a reliable electronic signature solution for remote signing of employment contracts, sales proposals, activity reports, etc.

Centralize your candidates, attract the best talent and track your searches in a single software application: offer the best service to each customer or consultant at all times.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 certification is an acknowledgement of compliance that guarantees the security of your data.

SaaS software

Offered in SaaS mode, our management software constantly evolves to adapt to your business needs and to technological or regulatory innovations.

Hand in hand
for your project

At Veryswing, we leave nothing to chance. We'll support you from the kick-off meeting to getting to grips with vsp.

under control

Your data is partitioned, backed up, redundant, secure and hosted in France.

Try it and you'll love it !

Want to see how vsp works? Free trial or demo, choose what suits you best.

Case studies

Let us inspire you with feedback from companies like yours who have chosen VSPortage to simplify their management and boost their business!

nouveau lead

Discover all features and add-ons

Thanks to functionalities tailored to your business needs and to our add-ons, every employee (administrative or financial manager, contractor, etc.) can use vsp to save time and focus on higher value-added actions.

Connectors and integrations

To make your life even easier, VSPortage interfaces with the software and applications you need for your day-to-day business. Thanks to our API and connectors, vsp integrates into your world!

See our FAQ

Companies without an ERP system often use different software packages that either don’t communicate with each other, or do so poorly, and have to be maintained individually.
An ERP system enables you to centralize information, instantly interconnect the company’s various functions, better control costs and improve data security.

A business ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or business software is an integrated management software package that meets the specific needs of a company in a target sector of activity; whereas a general ERP requires a lot of parameterization and specific developments to meet a business need. Business ERP is the specialized version of a general-purpose ERP.

SaaS stands for Software As A Service. This software consumption mode allows you to work from any device connected to the Internet via a Web browser. We manage your servers, databases, application (code, maintenance, etc.), security and support.

SaaS offers advantages for companies of all sizes: financial savings, scalability, accessibility, updates and maintenance.

Once you have chosen vsp, a consultant is appointed as your account manager. He or she will contact you to schedule a kick-off meeting for your project. This will enable us to schedule the milestones you have chosen (data transfer, training, configuration, etc.) right up to your start-up.
A vsp project always goes very well 🙂

vsp is a business ERP that enables you to manage your foreign subsidiaries: multi-company, multi-tax and multi-currency. The interface offers full navigation in English or French. Documents (quotes, contracts, timesheets, invoices, etc.) can be edited in the language of your choice.

Yes, you can add users and assign them the right application rights.
vsp is a very complete and powerful software package, but we’ve organized the application to give our customers maximum autonomy in terms of configuration and administration. Of course, our Support and Consulting teams are always on hand to help you.

If you have requested a trial or demo, you are normally already in contact with our sales team. If not, you can contact them using the contact form.

To find out more about vsp‘s prices, click here: https://veryswing.com/en/pricing

The data you integrate and manipulate through our SaaS applications, and which is therefore located on our servers, is the property of your company.

It’s our job to host the data used in our applications. That’s why we invest heavily in security, backup management and maintenance – far more than any normal company would.
To underpin our commitment in this area, we have been ISO27001 certified since 2022.

Your data is 100% hosted in France, and redundant in different datacenters. Since 2012, we’ve been working with Scaleway, a major player in the hosting market.

vsp is not concerned by this certification. vsp is dedicated to B2B activities: an invoice is therefore issued to the customer (company) before being able to record whether or not it has been paid.
Article 286-l-3 bis of the General Tax Code expressly states that this obligation only applies to sales to private individuals (not subject to VAT).

vsp already manages a very large part of what will be required by the reform to introduce generalized electronic invoicing.

You must be logged in to the software or mobile application to make your request to our Support team. A ticket number will be assigned for fast, efficient follow-up.

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Are you ready to take your HR management to the next level? It’s time to go for it!

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