Discover all our
features & add-ons

Discover all the features available with our business management software, according to your business needs.

Declaration of expenses

Enter expenses easily (multi-VAT, multi-currency, etc.) and track validation via a workflow.

Types of absence

Set up your absence categories and their specificities.

[Add-on] OCR recognition of receipts

Simplify your data entry with OCR recognition of receipts.

Sick leave

Declare and track sick leave.

Absence reporting

Submit your absence requests, and validate or reject your employees’ absence workflows.

Reimbursement of expenses

Manage expense reimbursements: validation, export, payment.

Expense claims

Find all your expense receipts stored electronically and as evidence.

Absences & activities

Real-time access to absences in time reports and schedules.

Charges to be billed to a customer

Pre-identify expenses to be re-billed and integrate them into your invoicing process.

Mileage allowance

Easily declare kilometer allowances thanks to graphical route selection, and track kilometers traveled.

Absence reporting

Consult various reports and graphs to track absences, illnesses and their key indicators.

Electronic signature of expenses

Transmit the fees to be billed to your customers for consultation and electronic signature.

Expense reporting

View a range of reports and graphs to track and analyze your business expenses.

Views recruitment KANBAN

Work visually and more fluidly thanks to KANBAN views: candidates, recruitment actions.

Recruitment alerts

Manage your recruitment actions reminders.

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