
Here you’ll find a wealth of information to help you adopt best practices in managing your business.

5 misconceptions about ERP implementation

At some point, the question of implementing a business ERP for your IT services company will arise (the sooner the

The benefits of ERP in combating turnover among consultants in IT services companies

65% of French workers surveyed consider that having a digital tool adapted to their sector of activity makes their day-to-day

VERYSWING obtains ISO 27001 certification

November 2022 VERYSWING obtains ISO 27001 certification for its entire scope: “Design, development, marketing and maintenance of SaaS solutions: VSActivity,

IT services companies: How to write the right specifications for an ERP project? + 1 concrete example

You’ve decided to implement an ERP system within your IT services company. But where to start? Which ERP to choose?

Personnel management and GPRD: how to manage and comply?

40% of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) and lawyers have taken advantage of containment to bring their companies into GPRD compliance,

Why implement a digital onboarding process?

Failed onboarding costs at least 3 times the salary of the employee who didn’t get off to a good start

IT services companies, what is the purpose of an enterprise resource planning system?

Often perceived as complex and costly, ERP software, if properly used and implemented, can cover all the functional needs of

BPM and ERP: Do you know the difference?

What’s the difference between Business Process Management and Enterprise Resource Planning software? As companies continue to integrate IT solutions to

ERP service company: how to choose?

The ERP market is full of offerings, and it can be complex for companies to find the right ERP software

General-purpose ERP or business ERP: what choice should you make for your IT services company?

Should I choose a general-purpose ERP or an industry ERP? This is a legitimate question to ask when you want

IT services company: Make your Pre-employment declaration directly from our applications

We make it a point of honor to facilitate our customers’ administrative management by promoting centralization. That’s why we’ve integrated

IT Services companies: multicast your job offers on job boards thanks to interfacing with TalentPlug

The process of posting job offers is extremely time-consuming and repetitive, due to the numerous data entries involved. For each

IT services companies: How can you save time by multicasting job offers?

Posting a job offer on job boards increases its visibility and the number of applications it receives. In fact, according

Mission orders for service companies and consulting firms

Obligatory and often overlooked, the mission order is a document that employers must provide to employees on business trips. The

How can VSA help your IT services company implement teleworking?

Here we are, whether by choice or by force, all companies that are able to do so must adopt telecommuting.

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