IT Services companies: multicast your job offers on job boards thanks to interfacing with TalentPlug

The process of posting job offers is extremely time-consuming and repetitive, due to the numerous data entries involved. For each job board, the HR function has to copy the same ad several times and connect to different platforms to post the job.

To help IT Services companies manage their recruitment campaigns, we have interfaced our SaaS ERP with the TalentPlug multicasting solution.

Multicasting job offers

TalentPlug is an integrated multicasting solution that enables you to distribute a job ad to over 250 job boards.

This means that by creating an ad just once, you can broadcast it on several platforms (specialized, general, paid, free).

This new partnership enables our users to optimize the job posting process. And this, by increasing their presence on recruitment sites, gives them a better chance of attracting the right profile. Let’s take a look at the contributions:

Quick management from the application

From the VSA application, human resources can manage the distribution of job offers in just a few clicks. Several actions are available: edit, republish or delete an ad.

Action tracking directly in VSA

Within the VSA application, you can track the various actions carried out offer by offer: publish, republish, etc.

Multiply the number of distribution channels

With time-saving ad writing and automatic publication in just a few clicks on several job sites, our users can increase the number of channels through which their offers are distributed, and consequently their visibility to candidates.

The multicasting feature is available to customers with a TalentPlug subscription.

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