5 misconceptions about ERP implementation

At some point, the question of implementing a business ERP for your IT services company will arise (the sooner the better).

You ask yourself questions, you have preconceived ideas and you hesitate.

We’ve taken a look at 5 common misconceptions about business ERP implementation in IT services companies.

  • It’s too expensive for me!

FALSE! Our SaaS solutions are very economical: no license, no installation on servers to buy or rent, no maintenance!

You don’t have to pay an astronomical sum to have access to it: you simply subscribe, and prices vary according to your consumption. You can add or remove a service at any time, with just one click.

What’s more, we pre-configure your ERP, saving you a lot of time.

  • It’s too complicated, we don’t have the skills!

FALSE! You don’t need to be an expert to use our ERP (much less than to use Excel, anyway).

And if you ever run into difficulties, we offer 6 different solutions to help and train you (3 of which are free)! Customer relations are one of our top priorities.

  • It’s not useful for my IT services company!

FALSE! On the contrary! Our ERP will save you money where you spend most of it: payroll costs.

Yes, if we save your employees time on administrative tasks, they’ll be more efficient and able to focus on more important tasks!

  • It’s reserved for the big IT services companies, so I’m no match for them!

FALSE! As a young IT services company just waiting to grow, an ERP will help you achieve your objectives: spend less time on administration, focus on business, have reliable, centralized information, etc.

So get off to a good start with efficient processes!

  • It takes a long time to set up and I don’t have the time!

FALSE! Thanks to online hosting, setup requires NO INSTALLATION.

All you have to do is connect to the software. Incredible, isn’t it?

What’s more, the Veryswing teams will take care of you from A to Z and prepare your working environment!

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Interested? Discover our vsa software!

VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for IT services companies and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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Interested? Discover our vsp software!

VSPortage (vsp) is the #1 ERP software dedicated to umbrella companies.

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