The benefits of ERP in combating turnover among consultants in IT services companies

65% of French workers surveyed consider that having a digital tool adapted to their sector of activity makes their day-to-day working life easier (source: Opinion Way).

An ERP dedicated to IT services companies, consulting firms, engineering companies and others can be a real asset in implementing your employee retention strategy.

The various modules and functionalities offered by the management solution enable you to improve the employee experience and get closer to managing your talent.

It also allows you to contribute to the well-being of your employees.

Here are some of the ways ERP can help you limit turnover at your Digital Services Company:

Internal press releases to keep in touch with your consultants

Thanks to the internal communiqués available within the ERP solution, you can easily communicate with your consultants on the move, to keep them informed about company activities: new arrivals, new processes, internal events, etc.

This ensures that employees of IT services companies, who are often far from the company, don’t feel excluded from corporate life, and helps spread the company culture in the back office.

Makes time-consuming tasks easier to manage

Work overload can quickly lead to stress within teams, and if you add to this the tedious task of managing the administrative side of the business (expense claims, time recording, etc.), it’s the last straw.

As a result, a management software package can reduce this administrative burden and make the process more pleasant, thanks to :

  • Access via a mobile application, enabling consultants to fill in their activity reports anywhere, anytime.
  • Business alerts to remind them to complete their expense reports, time recording, etc.
  • The collaborative aspect of the tool, which is updated each time an employee takes part in an activity, ensuring that data is always up to date: paid leave, availability, etc.

Simplifies the implementation of a training plan

Your employees need to evolve and have visibility on this subject; they want training so they can improve their skills. The training module of your management solution lets you set up a training plan and present it to your employees.

You can provide them with a repository of all the training courses you offer.

Your employees will be able to register independently and make requests directly from the application.

Gives a clearer picture of your IT services company’s activity

Thanks to the data progressively integrated by the various company players, you have access to reliable, up-to-date data on your company’s activity.

This data will enable you to better optimize your human resources and reduce errors in planning, recruitment, etc.

You have a clear view of the resources available for an assignment, the skills required per case, and so on. This enables you to place the right candidate with the customer, quickly identify skills that are lacking within your organization, and so on.

Enables more personalized management

From a distance, it can be difficult to gauge an employee’s state of mind: do they feel good about their mission? meet his expectations? etc.

ERP enables you to monitor your employees more effectively, for example, by scheduling interviews several times a year, or mission evaluations, or by collecting information on a monthly basis.

In the digital services sector, turnover is high. And that means costs for the company.

Management and the work environment have a major influence on employee motivation. Poor talent management can lead to staff departures.

That’s why you need a strategy for engaging the employee.

IT solutions such as ERP can be a great help in building employee loyalty. Automating business processes frees up your time to optimize human resources management. You’ll have a clearer picture of your resource planning.

ERP software will decompartmentalize communication between departments thanks to the uniqueness of the information system, and at the same time improve it.

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