Mission orders for service companies and consulting firms

Obligatory and often overlooked, the mission order is a document that employers must provide to employees on business trips.

The conditions of application of this document depend on the collective agreement to which the company is attached.

In this article, we explain:

  • What is a mission order?
  • Mandatory information.
  • We give you a sample mission order.

What is a mission order?

Mission order definition

A mission order is a binding document, either in the form of a form or a letter, which is sent to an employee who is to carry out a mission outside the company or home.

The document transcribes the conditions of execution of the aforementioned mission. It may be permanent, if the employee’s duties require him or her to travel frequently.

When should a mission order be drawn up?

The mission order must be drawn up before the employee travels to the mission location, and must be signed by the employer.

What does a mission order cover?

In addition to being compulsory, a mission order enables the employee to retain all the benefits and protections associated with his or her status (workplace accident cover, etc.). What’s more, this document serves as proof when the employee needs to be reimbursed for business expenses (mileage, catering, accommodation, etc.).

Indeed, if the employee does not have this document, these business trips will be considered as private (apart from the home-work trip).

At least, that’s what articles L411-1 and L411-2 of the French Social Security Code state:

“Is considered an accident at work, whatever the cause, any accident caused by or in the course of work to any person employed or working, in any capacity or in any place whatsoever, for one or more employers or company managers. “( art L411-1)

“Is also considered as an accident at work, when the victim or his beneficiaries provide proof that all of the following conditions are met or when the investigation allows the fund to have sufficient presumptions on this point, the accident occurred to a worker mentioned by the present book, during the outward and return journey, between :

1°) the main residence, a stable secondary residence or any other place to which the employee habitually goes for family reasons, and the place of work. This route may not be the most direct if the detour is necessary for regular carpooling;

2°) the place of work and the restaurant, canteen or, more generally, the place where the worker usually takes his meals, and insofar as the route has not been interrupted or diverted for a reason dictated by personal interest and unrelated to the essential necessities of everyday life or independent of the job. “( art L411-2)

In other words, an employee who suffers a work-related accident while on an assignment must prove that the trip was indeed part of his or her job.

It is precisely in this context that it is ESSENTIAL and MANDATORY to issue a mission order to an employee working outside the company.

Mandatory information on an engagement order for service companies and consulting firms

Mandatory information on an engagement order for service companies and consulting firms

As mentioned above, the mission order establishes the conditions of the mission. These conditions are generally laid down in company agreements or memos.

Syntec draws up the agreement applicable to employees of engineering and consulting firms.

The Syntec collective bargaining agreement supports the fact that, whether traveling within or outside mainland France, the employee must receive a mission order setting out the conditions of the mission.

The information to be included in the document depends on the geographical area and duration of the trip.

Mandatory information on a travel order for trips in mainland France

  • The purpose of the mission
  • Mission start and end dates
  • The reason for the mission
  • The complete address of the mission’s progress
  • Transportation to be used by the employee.
  • Employer’s signature.

Mandatory information on a travel order for trips outside France lasting less than six months

A travel order for a trip outside France is an amendment to the contract.

This document must include the following information:

  • Surname, first name, position and address of stakeholders.
  • Reason, duration and location of assignment
  • Provisions concerning transport and travel
  • Whether or not you can use your own vehicle
  • Coverage of travel risks and expenses
  • The need for medical check-ups or vaccinations
  • The place of repatriation following business travel
  • Reference to the company agreement on travel and assignment
  • Remuneration, subsistence allowances, any bonuses, etc.
  • Terms of payment of remuneration, bonuses and advances, and tax implications
  • Accommodation if required
  • Travel conditions in the new country
  • Conditions governing paid leave
  • Notice conditions
  • Reintegration conditions in France after the mission

Mandatory information on a travel order for trips outside France lasting more than six months

All the above information plus the following:

  • If the employee can bring his family
  • Travel conditions for employees and their families
  • Whether or not to maintain pension and welfare schemes and the Assedic system
  • Accident and health insurance
  • Maintaining or offsetting family benefits
  • Reinstatement of the employee within his original company
  • Reinstatement under conditions equivalent to those prior to departure

Mandatory information on a travel order for a trip outside France to a country with dangerous political and climatic risks

If the mission takes place in a country with dangerous climatic conditions, the mission order must also include the following information:

  • Political and social risk coverage, guaranteed repatriation in the event of problems.
  • Special working conditions
  • Precautions to take (specific illnesses, care, etc.)
  • Tax, foreign exchange and remittance terms and conditions.

mission orders and business trips

Mission orders and business trips

We mentioned that a mission order was also important for the employee to be reimbursed for these professional expenses.

Insofar as business expenses require supporting documents proving the professional nature of the expenditure, the inclusion of the mission order in the supporting documents supports this fact.

The mission order includes dates, location and other information that can be cross-referenced with the employee’s receipts and invoices.

Sample mission order for service companies and consulting firms

Sample mission order for service companies and consulting firms

The benefits of ERP for managing job orders

The benefits of ERP for managing job orders

Given that employees in companies such as ESN, consulting firms, engineering companies and others are required to travel on business, it is essential for companies to be able to supply the mission order before the employee takes up his or her duties.

In this context, an ERP such as VSA is beneficial, as it enables :

  • Automatic production of mission orders linked to a case.
  • Word format edition of the mission order.
  • Send the assignment order to the employee in just a few clicks.
  • The employee can consult the mission order from his or her employee space.
  • Creation of mission order templates

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