IT services companies: How can you save time by multicasting job offers?

Posting a job offer on job boards increases its visibility and the number of applications it receives. In fact, according to a Méteojob study, 89% of candidates prefer job boards in their job search.

The more IT services companies are present on several job boards, the greater their visibility. However, posting job offers on different job boards takes time and a lot of re-typing.

So is there a faster way to advertise jobs? The answer is yes, you can use a job multicasting solution.

In this article, we explain how it works and the advantages of the multicasting tool.

Focus on the job posting process

Percentage of companies having published an offer for all their executive recruitments

(source: APEC study – Executive recruitment practices – 2020 edition)

When a company wants to recruit new talent, it advertises vacancies. In fact, according to an APEC survey, it’s the most widely used means of recruitment, and the one they consider most effective. In fact, this is the most successful channel for recruitment.

Channel leading to the hiring of the last executive recruited in 2019

(source: APEC study – Executive recruitment practices – 2020 edition)

The preferred channel for companies to advertise job vacancies is the job board. The latter comes third, ahead of the company website and social networks.

Perception of the most effective channels according to the profile sought

(source: APEC study – Executive recruitment practices – 2020 edition)

Over time, posting on job boards has become a matter of course for companies, especially when you consider that candidates also prefer job boards.

Job offer distribution channels

Job offer distribution channels

Job boards remain the preferred channel for companies wishing to publish one or more job offers. But it’s not the only channel used. Here’s an overview of the different channels on which companies publish job ads:

Job boards

Job boards are used to publish recruitment advertisements. There are many different types of job boards, both generalist and specialist, and both free and paid. Your choice of job site will depend on your target audience, especially in the case of specialized sites.

You can also consult the CV library of these job boards. The CV database is a space where candidates can post their CVs, which can then be consulted by recruiters.

Some examples of job boards: Apec, Pôle emploi, Regionjobs, Welcome to the jungle, Cadre emploi, etc.

How do I post a job on a job board?

To post an ad on a job board or job site, you’ll need to provide some information that will enable candidates to identify the company, the position, the missions, the location, and so on. Here is the information you need to provide:

  • Job title.
  • Ad description: missions, skills, profile.
  • Type of contract: permanent, fixed-term, temporary, apprenticeship, etc.
  • The number of open positions.
  • Provisional start-up date.
  • Remuneration: you can enter a range.
  • E-mail address or application link.
  • Job status: supervisor, manager, employee.
  • Company information: business sector, values, history, etc.
  • Geographical location.

You need to create a recruiter account to post your ads.

Social networks


Companies can also advertise on social networks, such as LinkedIn, the leading professional social network. This makes it a great asset, as recruiters and companies alike find it the largest community of job seekers.

Another advantage of this social network is that the candidate has a professional profile relaying his or her educational and professional background, skills and other information. A “description” section to find out more about your personality, including a “recommendations” section. There is also a dedicated space for them to showcase their projects.

Candidates can then apply directly with their profile or attach a CV to the ad.

On the recruiter’s side, they can post job offers and also consult candidates’ profiles, which are generally more detailed than CVs.

The recruiter has direct access to the recommendations and can quickly identify the person who left the recommendation. It can discover the projects in which the candidate has participated.

How do I post a job on LinkedIn?

To post a job on LinkedIn, you need to have a professional profile and a company page, as jobs are automatically associated with your company and the creator’s profile. You will also need to provide the following information:

  • Ad title.
  • Industry: raw materials, software, etc.
  • Job type: full-time, part-time.
  • Job description: missions, skills, profile.
  • Contact person.
  • Company information: history, values, etc.
  • Geographical location.

In short, the same information as for an ad on a job site.

Facebook and Instagram

There are other social networks on which companies can post job offers, such as Facebook and Instagram.

Unlike LinkedIn, which is a professional network, Facebook and Instagram work like job boards, i.e. companies post the ad and candidates either fill in a form and attach their CV, or land on the company’s website to apply.

If we take a closer look at the various job posting channels used by the majority of companies, we find that the same information is requested: job title, description, geography, company, profile, etc.

On the other hand, to increase their visibility and attract candidates, companies are multiplying their presence on job boards.

This multiple distribution leads to time-consuming, repetitive input of the same information, and a considerable loss of time for the company.

What’s more, by multiplying publications on different job boards, it becomes complicated to track the effectiveness of an online job offer, and you have to connect to several accounts to extract information (statistics, applications, etc.).

To make things easier for companies, there are multi-posting solutions that allow them to publish job offers in several different places with just a few clicks and a single posting.

We’ll explain!

Multicasting job offers to optimize your time

IT services companies: multicasting job offers to optimize your time

What is job multicasting?

Multicasting, also known as multiposting, is a function integrated into a job management solution, enabling job offers to be multicast on several job boards or job boards. In concrete terms, the Human Resources department will manually publish a single advertisement that it has drafted, and this will be published in a single click on several job platforms.

A multicasting solution can be easily integrated with HR software, enabling a digital company to optimize the management of its recruitment campaign.

The challenges of multiposting job offers

Implementing a multiposting solution within an IT services company enables you to meet several crucial challenges:

  • Reduce the time spent writing job ads and managing their day-to-day management (canceling, deleting, republishing, etc.).
  • Eliminate time-consuming tasks by eliminating multiple manual entries.
  • Centralize the management of your recruitment campaign, eliminating the need to manage multiple distribution platforms.
  • Increase the company’s visibility through its presence on job boards.
  • Manage ad performance through statistics and interfacing with HR software.

VSA interfaces with TalentPlug to optimize recruitment management

At VERYSWING, we have integrated the TalentPlug solution into our SaaS ERP VSA. This interface enables our users to create a job advert directly in the application, and then multi-distribute it via their TalentPlug subscription on the various job advert platforms.

To conclude on how to save time with multi-bidding

Candidates and recruiters mainly use job boards in their respective searches.

But it’s not the only recruitment channel. We also identify the company’s website and social networks, including LinkedIn, which represents the largest community of jobseekers and recruiting companies.

It’s worth noting, however, that the channel through which recruitment offers end up remains the job board. In fact, it’s become a matter of course for recruitment professionals to publish a vacancy online. This gives them a high profile with candidates.

Whether advertising on recruitment sites, the company website or social networks, recruiters need to provide the same information: the job description, the company, the geography, the profile, etc.

This procedure has a cost in terms of productivity, since it requires a lot of repetitive data entry.

It’s in this context that a multi-posting solution is beneficial, as it allows you to manually publish the ad just once, while the solution takes care of publishing it automatically on job boards and social networks.

Using such a solution is a real time and productivity saver for the HR function and the company, as it allows us to centralize the management of advertisements.

Now all you have to do is find the ideal candidate.

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