National Work Life Week: Why and how to organize it?

Semaine de la QVCT

National Work Life Week is an important initiative for many companies. It aims to improve employee well-being and, consequently, the company’s overall performance.

Each year, the Agence Nationale pour l’Amélioration des Conditions de Travail (ANACT ) defines a theme to be followed during the QVCT week.

This year, the 2024 edition will take place from June 17 to 21, on the theme of “tomorrow’s work”.

Each company can organize an in-house National Work Life week. It can be organized over one day, several days or a week, at the same time as the ANACT week or not.

5 reasons to organize National Work Life week at your company

Organizing National Work Life week in your company can bring many benefits, both for employees and for the company as a whole, by promoting a healthy, productive and positive working environment.

Improve your employees’ well-being

It’s a crucial element in a company’s ability to have happy, committed, fulfilled and productive employees. Quality Work Life aims to improve employees’ mental, physical and emotional health by identifying areas for improvement.

Co-construction workshops are a good way of involving employees in the process.

Strengthening team cohesion

All the workshops, activities and actions carried out during the week will encourage interaction between employees, strengthening bonds within teams and creating a sense of community at work.

Reduce absenteeism and staff turnover

A favorable quality of life, improved working conditions and a good work-life balance can reduce stress and burnout. Fulfilled employees are more likely to remain loyal to their company.

Increase productivity

Optimal working conditions encourage greater productivity.

By implementing new actions, employees feel listened to and valued. When they have the right tools and a pleasant working environment, they’re more likely to be productive.

Develop your employer brand

Companies that care about the well-being of their employees are often viewed positively by the public, customers and business partners. National Work Life week is a perfect example.

This initiative also attracts new talent.

Some ideas for actions to organize

There are a variety of actions you can carry out during your National Work Life week, depending on the specific needs and interests of your employees. Use your imagination!

Here are a few examples:

  • Surveys to identify and understand areas for improvement
  • Organization of co-construction workshops to engage employees in this process
  • Group workshops on various themes (stress management, work/life balance, etc.)
  • Participation in wellness webinars
  • Installation of a suggestion box, to identify the needs of as many people as possible and propose real improvements.
  • Creation of a mini exhibition with outside speakers (nutritionist, yoga teacher, etc.)
  • Participation in small-group discussions between different departments to develop team cohesion throughout the company.

You can also organize more original workshops, such as a group sports session or a board game session. But don’t forget that quality of life and working conditions don’t just mean fun. What your employees expect is that you care about what’s important to them and that you take real action.

Be careful! National Work Life all year round

What some companies forget after National Work Life week is that they should be offering their employees favorable working conditions all year round!

Organizing such a week, with workshops, surveys and speakers, enables you to identify your employees’ needs and areas for improvement. The next step is to implement concrete actions to show your employees that they have been heard.

But that’s not all!

In addition to implementing new actions, it’s important to take care of your existing processes.

Implementing an HRIS like VSExperience will make your employees’ lives (and your HR management) easier, with every action they perform.

Allow them to :

  • Benefit from well-prepared, comprehensive onboarding
  • Easily track their medical visits
  • Follow up their interviews with their managers or HR
  • Express themselves on their well-being via a collection of happiness indicators
  • Find out about their business anytime, anywhere via a centralized tool

In short, National Work Life is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment to your employees, both in terms of well-being and corporate culture, and to improve overall performance and job satisfaction.

This is a good opportunity to find new concrete actions to implement for the well-being of your employees, but also to make sure you don’t forget to look after your existing processes. It’s all about balance!

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