Boost the presence of your IT services company on social networks

Réseaux sociaux ESN

Nowadays, social networks are a lever not to be neglected for :

  • Recruit by attracting committed, like-minded talent,
  • Prospect by showcasing your expertise and earning your customers’ trust.

Find out how to boost Boost the presence of your IT services company on social networks on social networks to meet, or even exceed, your objectives.

1. Boost your recruitment with social networks

In other words, develop your employer brand. It’s a subject that’s come up more and more in recent years, and not for nothing. It attracts candidates’ attention and arouses their interest.

To do this, you can :

  • Promote your corporate culture and values,
  • Communicate your career opportunities,
  • Share your company’s day-to-day, behind-the-scenes operations.

And any other content that might appeal to a future candidate. Be inventive and don’t hesitate to share with your community.

And don’t forget, what we’re looking for today is authenticity.

Did you know? VSActivity features a connector with LinkedIn. You can create or modify candidates directly from LinkedIn: quick and easy! Click here to find out more about all our interfaces!

2. Attract qualified prospects for your IT services company

Are your salespeople being ignored on social networks?

In a world where we are over-solicited by advertising and canvassing, we can all well understand that a potential prospect is ignoring us. Most of them don’t even read your messages.

Have you tried letting the prospect come to you, rather than canvassing?

It’s amazing, but it works! Nothing could be simpler: position yourself as an expert in your field.

  1. Arouse the interest of potential prospects by arousing their curiosity.
  2. Then convert them into qualified prospects by showing them that you can solve their problems.

This can take the form of informative, topical publications thatadd real value. A bit like media, but without losing sight of your main objective: generating leads.

Did you know? VSActivity features a connector with LinkedIn. You can create or modify contacts directly from LinkedIn: quick and easy! Click here to find out more about all our interfaces!

3. Stand out from the competition with employee advocacy

Employee advocacy is a strategy designed to turn your employees into ambassadors for your company, encouraging them to promote your brand by speaking out.

This strategy will give you more clout on social networks and strengthen your presence.

How is this possible?

Your employees share their expertise, build an ever-stronger network, gain credibility and notoriety… and end up making you more visible, and even selling your services.

Why would it work?

  • Reading or talking to a human being is always nicer than a logo.
  • Nothing is better than your employees to share your company life with future candidates.
  • Forget the term “salesman”, your employees are experts and have things to say.
  • Thanks to their network, your employees are sitting on a gold mine just waiting to be tapped!

To do this, make your employees aware of this strategy and encourage them to create apersonal brand image .

For more content about IT services company , don’t hesitate to follow us on our social networks!

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