You’ve heard of burn-out, but have you heard of bore-out?

What is boredom?

This concept, born in the 2000s, refers to a state of extreme boredom at work.

Unlike burn-out, which is caused by too much stress and work, bore-out is often linked to a lack of stimulation and interest in assigned tasks, a lack of challenge and responsibility, and a lack of support from colleagues and superiors.

What are the causes of boredom?

  • Sub-workload
  • Repetitive and monotonous tasks
  • Professional ambitions ignored
  • Lack of career development opportunities
  • Unimportant tasks out of step with qualifications

How can you recognize it? What are the symptoms of boredom?

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Inability to complete the few tasks
  • Sadness
  • De-motivation
  • Guilt, shame
  • Anguish
  • Total disengagement
  • Gloom

It’s important to take into account the problem of boredom and find ways of stimulating and engaging employees to avoid this situation. Employers can help by offering challenges and opportunities for professional growth, allowing flexibility at work, encouraging open communication and offering training and workshops to develop professional skills.

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