Why is staff turnover so high in IT services companies?

Employee loyalty in IT services companies is one of the main challenges.

Technical profiles represent real added value for companies in the digital sector, as they are their main asset.

However, IT services companies have a high turnover rate of around 18%, according to Numeum. What are the reasons why technical profiles leave their digital services company?

12 reasons why your technical profiles leave your IT services company

1. Workplace ill-being

Ill-being can stem from a number of factors: the consultant’s feeling of loneliness, as he or she often changes companies and has no emotional reference points (colleagues, company culture, etc.). This can also be due to difficulties encountered during the various assignments, such as lack of badges or workspace, which can last several weeks and give rise to a feeling of rejection on the part of the consultant.

2. Work overload

Work overload can affect the morale and motivation of your consultants and drive them to leave; particularly when combined with other factors such as unhappiness, unattractive remuneration, etc.

3. Unattractive remuneration

It’s no secret that remuneration plays an important role in the attractiveness of a position. In fact, according to an Opinion Way survey, the number one reason employees are happy is that work enables them to look after their families and themselves financially.

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4. Lack of recognition

The IT services company’s consultant may be treated as nothing more than a resource for a given period of time, and feel that the work he or she has done has only benefited the company’s reputation, rather than his or her skills.

Recognition is good for self-esteem. It makes you feel useful and valued, and therefore has an impact on your self-confidence. The lack of recognition linked to work gives employees the feeling that they are not visible and present in their environment. So he’ll look elsewhere to fill this need for esteem.

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5. Limited opportunities for development / lack of visibility

After several years in a job, it’s natural to want to evolve. It’s sometimes difficult for IT services company’s employees to plan ahead: they have no control over their choice of assignment, and little visibility over training and career development opportunities.

As a result, they choose to take matters into their own hands by applying elsewhere to develop their careers.

6. Inter-contract period too long

By applying their skills, IT services company’s consultants give meaning to their work. If you leave your consultant without an assignment for too long, you run the risk of losing their motivation and commitment, and above all, they’ll go looking for an assignment with another IT services company.

7. Poor use of skills

Some consultants may feel that their skills are not being properly exploited by their company: for example, through an assignment that has nothing to do with their skills, or that offers too low a level of interest or experience to be implemented.

This situation leads to frustration on the part of the IT employee.

8. Lack of training

The digital sector is evolving rapidly, with new technologies emerging all the time. To stay competitive and grow professionally, your consultants need training. The absence of a training plan gives the impression that the company offers no prospects for development.

9. Work-life balance

The consultant must be able to strike a balance between his private and professional life. A bad atmosphere at work, complex hierarchical relationships, too heavy a workload can influence our attitude in our personal life: stress, confidence, burnout, etc.

10. Recruitment mistakes

An ill-adapted recruitment process can also contribute to increased turnover: poor integration and adherence to the company culture, or the absence of an assignment suited to the employee’s profile.

11. Lack of attachment to corporate culture

Often absent from the company’s premises, IT services company’s employees don’t have the opportunity to become attached to the company’s culture, to enjoy the working atmosphere, and to meet other employees. As a result, a sense of belonging to the company plays no part when an IT services company’s employee wants to jump ship.

12. Mission difficulties

Every time the consultant starts a new assignment, it’s the same obstacle course all over again, at least according to the many testimonials.

Their badges are late in arriving, so they have difficulty entering the customer’s premises, their workstations have not been prepared for their arrival, and this can take up to several weeks.

This kind of situation takes its toll on the consultant’s morale and motivation.

IT services company, you need to retain your employees

The employee turnover rate is an indicator of quality of life.

To attract new talent, you first need to reduce the number of people leaving your company. To do this, you need to implement a loyalty strategy.

This may involve training to upgrade your employees’ skills, or benefits such as profit-sharing, etc.

You need to organize events to create a sense of belonging within your company.

Social ties must be maintained, even for employees on assignment.

You need to offer an attractive remuneration package, benefits commensurate with the size of your company, and so on.

In short, you need to find what will engage your employees over the long term.

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