Which billing software should you choose? 6 criteria to consider

Time-consuming tasks, regulations, business growth: these are just some of the reasons why you may need an invoicing software package.

However, there are many billing software packages on the market with their own specific features, so which one should you choose?

Here are 6 criteria to consider when choosing your invoicing software.

What is billing software?

Invoicing software enables you to automate the creation, transmission and follow-up of your invoices and credit notes. This automation is made possible by the various customer data you have integrated into the software.

Why choose billing software?

Implementing invoicing software has many advantages, especially as your business grows:

Time saving

With invoicing software, you no longer need to enter the same data over and over again, because automation means you can use the same data in several different places. This saves you time on time-consuming invoicing management: checking invoicing conditions, manual data entry, invoice creation, etc., multiplied by the number of invoices and customers.

Reduce time-consuming tasks

Which brings us to the second benefit: the reduction of time-consuming tasks. Billing software frees you from time-consuming tasks, since the software automates them. No more creation of Excel or Word files, no more repetitive manual data entry, no more searching for information in different files, … Which also reduces human (re-)data entry errors.

Better tracking of orders and invoices

Order not received? Late payment? thanks to the data centralization provided by billing software, you’ll have a global view of your process.

In this way, you can easily identify overdue invoices, for example, and send out reminders. What’s more, this will give you an overview of your cash flow (on certain software packages), which is not insignificant when it comes to implementing a short- and medium-term development strategy.

Shorter payment terms

Now that you have a global view of your invoicing process and have reduced time-consuming tasks, you can carry out your invoicing process faster and with greater control, thanks to automatic reminders. All this helps to shorten customer payment times.

Saving money

And finally, because saving money is always a pleasure. Invoicing software enables you to dematerialize the documents you produce and transmit them electronically. So you save money on printing, stamps, ….

How to choose your billing software?

Whether you’re a self-employed entrepreneur, an SME, a VSE or a major corporation, your needs and requirements will differ, and some software is better suited than others.

Here are the 6 criteria to consider when choosing your billing software

1. The size of your company

In fact, invoicing software designed specifically for SMEs will not be suitable for large groups with more complex needs.

2. Compliance with current standards

  • Does the software meet current standards (anti-fraud law, legal notices, etc.)?

3. Your needs

  • What needs does the software have to meet? (Billing, payroll, etc.)
  • Does the software need to be linked to the company’s bank account(s)?
  • Do you need software that can be used on the move?
  • Does it need to interface with other software?
  • On-premise, cloud or SaaS?
  • Free or paid software?

4. Ergonomics

The software must be easy to learn, so as not to waste your time. Don’t hesitate to request a demo or a free trial to familiarize yourself with the software and analyze its ergonomics.

5. The editor

If you’re choosing a SaaS solution, you need to take data security into account, and find out how the vendor handles data security.

6. Services on offer

Does the publisher offer services to help you use the software (support, advice, training, etc.)?

The benefits of VSA billing software

VSA is an ERP that helps you manage your business.

VSA is a SaaS solution that offers a number of advantages for managing your invoicing process.

Here are 7 reasons to choose VSA as your billing software:

  • Adaptable to all company sizes, with multi-entity management and inter-company billing;
  • Meets current standards, in particular the anti-fraud law;
  • Not limited to billing;
  • A “MyVS” mobile application;
  • Easy to use ;
  • Offers a complete ancillary service: support, training, webinars, R&D, … ;
  • Data is 100% hosted in France on several sites, and confidentiality is guaranteed directly with the publisher (no third parties can see your data).

Discover the features of the VSA billing module

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