What are the benefits of a corporate portal?

Our working environment is changing, influenced by the cloud, SaaS, mobility and automation, to name but a few. Today, we speak of the digital workplace.

As employees become increasingly mobile, they need to be able to access company information and systems wherever they are.

In this article, we explain “Why a corporate portal is good for your business”.

The corporate portal is defined as a digital environment in which employees can find information relating to their company and its information system. This environment is accessible only to company employees.

So, as we were saying, having a company portal for employees is beneficial for several reasons:

Centralize information

As we mentioned earlier, a corporate portal allows you to centralize information and save time. But time on what? On document searches, on finding information about a supplier or a customer. Employees know where to find information.

Facilitating exchanges

At a time when employees are increasingly mobile (telecommuting, flex-office, etc.), it can be difficult to keep in touch with colleagues. Access to the company directory, for example, can facilitate collaborative exchanges between employees working on a common project. To give you another example, this can simplify your administrative exchanges with HR by modifying some of your personal information yourself.

Seeing the big picture

Employees keep an eye on their job and company activities, with an overview of current tasks, company information, etc., like a reminder.

The VSA corporate portal

VSA ERP offers a corporate portal with a real digital bulletin board that summarizes the essentials of the employee’s activities, presents company press releases and lists up-to-date legal documents. Employees also receive notifications and alerts relating to their job; they can follow the evolution of their indicators to make quick decisions. Managers will be able to view their team’s current and future absences to optimize their human resources management.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information, or to request a trial and/or demo.

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