The importance of digitalization with the rise of telecommuting

With the rise of teleworking in France following the Covid19 crisis, it’s becoming important for companies to accelerate their digital transformation.

Indeed, even if short-term digital responses have enabled us to survive and reduce the damage, long-term digital is an opportunity to implement innovative performance strategies.

To help you, here are 4 steps to take when introducing teleworking:


Whether you’re communicating internally about what’s new in the company, or communicating with other employees, this is a very important step!

You’ll need to set up video-conferencing and internal communication tools.

Without it, your staff will find it hard to make the connection and won’t be able to manage projects properly. What’s more, it helps combat the isolation and depression that can result from telecommuting.

Store and share data

Data must be easily accessible to all those who have the right to it.

Sharing documents by e-mail is not an effective solution to this problem, as it can create duplicates, waste your staff’s time and may pose a security problem.

To do this, you’ll need to invest in software that enables your collaborators to share data and manage projects efficiently.

Manage projects and establish a validation circuit

At a distance, it can be more complicated to manage projects and get approvals for both work and HR.

Software can facilitate exchanges, provide an overview of tasks to be carried out or completed, etc.

This will enable your staff to work more efficiently, without wasting time, and to communicate easily so they can concentrate on important tasks.

Data protection

Implement processes to ensure that employees do not jeopardize the data to which they have access when teleworking.

For example, prohibit the use of external tools (USB sticks, personal computer chargers, etc.) which may contain malware.

Or ask your employees to use only secure connections such as WPA3 Wifi, and not public Wifi.

Finally, you can also set computers to lock quickly in the event of inactivity, and ask employees to always lock their computers if they are away from their workstations for even a few minutes.

As you can see, teleworking is synonymous with the dematerialization of processes.

Indeed, a company that has not yet digitized will find it more difficult to manage its projects effectively, whether or not it has introduced teleworking.

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