Our ERPs are RGPD compliant. Simplify your RGPD!

What is the RGPD?

  • General Data Protection Regulation
  • Effective May 25, 2018
  • Applies as soon as you hold personal data, your HR data is personal data, the GDPR applies to your business
  • Penalties of 2 to 4% of company sales for non-compliance

Day-to-day impact on your HR management

  • You need to inform your employees of the data you collect and, above all, get them to sign an explicit document to this effect as a condition of their acceptance.
  • You must also inform them :
    • the use made of this data, e.g. to draw up pay slips
    • Who has access; e.g. HR department
    • How long you keep them; for example, 3 months after the employee leaves, with special cases such as the single personnel register.
    • Their right to modification and forgetting, and how to exercise it

You can indicate this in the employment contract or in an appendix to it.

VSA’s advantages in relation to the RGPD

  • VSA offers a range of features to help you with your RGPD compliance process. IMPORTANT: these functionalities are tools to simplify certain actions leading to the realization of your RGPD treatments.
  • With HR data centralized in a single location, you control where this data is stored within your company.
  • Security management enables you to control who has access to your employees’ HR data.
  • Fine-grained rights management by personal data (e.g. social security number) is also available. This means you can give a sales rep access to an employee’s HR file, without the sales rep seeing the employee’s social security number.
  • Archiving and deletion functions are available for user data that has left the company. They allow you to easily implement the right to be forgotten.
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