4 corporate wellness trends from around the world…

Would you like to improve well-being in your company? Not sure what to do or where to start?

Here are a few ideas from around the world to promote well-being in the workplace!

1. Full remote

Full remote corresponds to 100% telecommuting. In terms of work-life balance, it doesn’t get any better than this!

The Netherlands is ahead of the game when it comes to flexible working from home, as this alternative working arrangement has been commonplace since 2010, well before the health crisis.

2. Premium Friday

Premium Friday was launched by Japan in 2017.

The goal? Encourage employees to leave work at 3pm every last Friday of the month to enjoy leisure and free time.

This has improved employees’ work-life balance, reduced stress at work and stimulated the economy by encouraging consumption.

3. Encourage and promote personal projects

In Germany, employees’ personal projects are encouraged, and sports and cultural activities are often financed by employers.

It’s worth noting that passive presence in the office, where you’re simply present without actively working, is frowned upon in Germany. Moreover, leaving the office late is seen as a sign of disorganization, just as it is in Denmark.

In the United States, too, personal projects are valued, and some employees are entitled to 20% of their working time allocated to sporting and cultural activities.

4. The power nap

In some countries, notably Japan, it is possible to take naps during working hours.

The practice of inemuri, or “power nap”, is common and is considered an indicator of an employee’s commitment to the company.

In France, the siesta is still not widespread, but alternatives are emerging, such as meditation or sophrology sessions during working hours.

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