What are the conditions for becoming self-employed?

Self-employment wage portage is a three-way relationship between the employee, the umbrella company and the client company.

To qualify for the status of “self-employed contractor” (according to the collective agreement of March 22, 2017), you must be :

1. Qualified

At least 2 years’ higher education. It is also possible to become a self-employed contractor after a minimum of 3 years’ experience.

2. Stand-alone

Be able to carry out sales prospecting, find new business opportunities/assignments and negotiate independently.

3. Expert in his field

Being an expert in a specific field means being able to offer services of an intellectual nature.

Regulated professions cannot be practiced with the status of “self-employed contractor”. This prohibition applies to :

  • The doctors,
  • Chartered accountants,
  • Notaries,
  • Lawyers,
  • Human services activities.

As a result, workers providing childcare, home help or assistance to the elderly cannot become ported employees.

Apart from that, this status is not compatible with craft activities, particularly those in the construction industry requiring ten-year guarantees.

Finally, commercial activities (selling products in a physical store) and agricultural activities are also not authorized to operate under this status.

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