The IT Department and the company’s digital transformation

In an environment in perpetual motion between cyber-attacks, new regulations and technologies, the role of the IT department within the company is evolving. New challenges await him as the company continues to grow.

The CIO’s role within the company

The Information Systems Department (ISD) has evolved with the arrival of new technologies, notably SaaS (Software As A Service) solutions, but its role remains to adapt the Information System to the company’s environment (processes, technology, regulations).

Increasingly present within companies, technology is driving the CIO (Chief Information Officer) to develop new skills to meet the new demands of his or her role, namely a more cross-functional vision.

The latter is necessary to ensure that the new solutions implemented fit in perfectly. The IT system must be secure and adaptable to the activities and processes they entail, while complying with current regulations.

The challenges facing CIOs in the digital transformation of the enterprise

The IT Department plays a central role in the company’s digital transformation, and faces major challenges in supporting its development.


The growing number of cyber-attacks means that we need to strengthen the protection of our corporate data, especially at a time when data is the Holy Grail of business development.

A cyber attack can have far-reaching consequences, impacting a company’s sales and profitability. In France, the average cost of cybercrime is 8.6 million euros* per company.


New regulations are passed to accompany the use of technology. They aim to protect the various players; whether it’s data protection with the RGPD, payment with the DSP2, to name but a few.

Did you know that the biggest RGPD-related fine cost Google 50 million euros. Enough to make you want to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Technology integration

The IT department must ensure that the technologies implemented fit in well with the company’s internal processes and information system, in order to make the most of them.

Technologies must help drive business performance.

Upgrading skills

The evolution of the CIO profession requires new skills that are in high demand on the job market.

The benefits of ERP for the IT department

Even if the IT department is responsible for the smooth implementation of technologies within the company, they also have benefits for the IT department’s own business.

Time saving

Data centralization gives employees easy access to data. They no longer need to chase after information, often through requests to the IT department. The latter saves time on a task that didn’t bring any real value to the company. It will be able to focus on its core business.


SaaS solutions don’t require any management on the part of the IT department, as this role is performed by the solution providers (hosting, maintenance, performance guarantees, etc.). This allows him to focus on growing the business by optimizing IT purchasing.

In its “new” role, the CIO must work closely with the company’s key business functions, such as the CFO and HR, to name but a few, in order to support the integration of technologies and business processes. These professions, which used to work independently, must now work in synergy.

*Accenture: Cybercrime in 2019: impact and opportunity.

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