How can an ERP system help you manage administrative tasks in an IT services company?

Increasingly popular, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are emerging within IT services companies to simplify business management: optimizing human resources, controlling costs, ensuring better customer and project follow-up, and eliminating time-consuming tasks.

Although time-consuming, IT services company’s management is essential to the survival of the entity. In this article, we give you all the keys you need to make the most of your ERP to manage your administrative tasks.

An ERP adapted to your business

It may seem obvious, but opt for an ERP that understands your business and whose functionalities meet your needs. Your employees will find it easier to integrate it into their daily work routines, because the logic and ergonomics have been designed with their jobs in mind.

What’s more, when you implement ERP, it’s a long-term project, so it’s best to amortize the cost and your time by making the right choice from the outset.

Get trained

To get the most out of your software, you need to master it. What better way to get to grips with your new application than with a training course?

This training course will help you understand application logic, how to use the functions you need on a day-to-day basis, and how to find the information you need.

Don’t try to understand the software package while you’re “officially” using it, as you’ll end up wasting more time, making mistakes and running out of patience. So a word of advice: take the time to learn about the solution before using it on a daily basis for your tasks.

Integrate the solution into your process

One of the advantages of ERP is its ability to centralize information. This prevents data from being scattered and lost along the way. By integrating the solution right from the start of your process, you can track and keep a history, so you can call back your customers or candidates – for example – or analyze your results in relation to a deal or a customer.

At VERYSWING, we offer our customers training courses to help them make the most of our VSA solution.

Our team of trainers works with our customers to help them get the most out of their software packages, either on-site or remotely. Inter-company training courses are also organized for new arrivals. Every month, we also offer free webinars on specific functionalities, and each time a new version is released, we present the new features to our customers.

ressources disponibles logiciel commercial

Interested? Discover our vsa software!

VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for IT services companies and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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