Is self-employment wage portage prohibited for certain professions?

Although wage portage offers many advantages for self-employed professionals, it is not accessible to all professional activities. In fact, certain strictly regulated liberal professions cannot be practiced under the “self-employment wage portage” system.

These ineligible professions include fields such as :

  • Medicine,
  • Accounting,
  • Justice,
  • The notary’s office.

Doctors, chartered accountants, lawyers and notaries are therefore not eligible for the status of “salarié porté”.

But also…

Ordinance 2015-380 of April 2, 2015 specifies that personal services cannot be carried out as ported employees either.

This includes activities such as :

  • Childcare,
  • Housekeeping,
  • Assistance for the elderly and disabled…

It is essential to take these restrictions into account when considering freelance administration. It’s a good idea to find out which professions are eligible, and to understand the regulations specific to each sector.

For professionals whose activities are not eligible for wage portage, there are other options such as conventional self-employment or the creation of a legal structure adapted to their profession.

That’s why it’s important to get advice and information on the various options available to you, depending on your profession. In this way, everyone can find the status that best suits their needs and career aspirations.

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