Celios Group

Le Groupe Celios
40 people

Groupe Celios is a consulting firm created in 2011, comprising 4 companies.

The Célios Group employs 37 people and in June 2017 posted sales of 1.7 million euros.

All 4 Groupe Celios companies have been using VSActivity since 2015.

Context and need

A few years after Groupe Celios was founded, the company’s directors decided to install an ERP system to manage their business. At the time, Agence France Entrepreneur, formerly Agence Pour la Création d’Entreprises, recommended an ERP dedicated to very small structures.

Philippe MAZIERE, Chairman and CEO of Groupe Celios, remembers:
“The ERP recommended by AFE was satisfactory as long as we had very few employees. But as our company grew, it became difficult to manage our business with this ERP, which was limited in functionality, ill-suited to the consulting business, and didn’t facilitate collaborative working. Above all, training and support were non-existent, and the tool was very outdated. So we looked at other solutions on the market. ”

The solution

After testing several solutions, VSActivity was chosen.

Philippe MAZIERE explains: “We chose VSActivity ERP because it matches our consulting business. All our needs are covered, and there’s no need for specific development. What’s more, the limitations of our old ERP have been resolved: VSActivity is in SaaS mode, it is very rich in functionalities, such as CRM, which didn’t exist in our old ERP, and the tool facilitates collaborative working. Finally, there’s a training and support department to answer any questions we may have. ”

VSActivity is used by all employees:

VSActivity is used by all employees:

the administrative department for billing,
the HR department to prepare pay slips, thus saving time with the accounting firm,
sales reps for prospecting with the CRM, and business tracking, with the tool providing information on the cost and profitability of each employee,
consultants for activity reports and absence management,
and management to steer activity and carry out management control.

Philippe MAZIERE adds: “Our employees appreciate VSActivity’s intuitive interface, which enables them to quickly become autonomous with the tool after very little in-house support. The SaaS mode enabling consultants on assignment to enter their activity reports remotely is indispensable. Another very positive point about VSActivity is its corporate portal functionality: we can communicate with all our employees, who thus have access to the same level of information, whether they are on our premises or at our customers’ sites. ”

The benefits

Philippe MAZIERE concludes: “We are very satisfied with the tool and have no regrets about our choice. VSActivity ERP enables us to secure our data, save time and structure our internal processes. As far as securing our data is concerned, VSActivity centralizes it, makes it accessible and guarantees its integrity. The tool manages backups so that no information is lost or damaged. In terms of time savings, we’ve found that invoicing is much quicker and simpler than before, thanks to easy entry of activity reports by each member of staff. Finally, by automating our internal processes, VSActivity has enabled our company to structure itself. “

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