Acaly utilise vsa
300 people

What do you like best about VSA?

“As HR Director at ACALY, I mainly use the Human Resources and Activities sections of the tool on a daily basis.

When I arrive at the office in the morning, one of my first reflexes is to open VSA.

All company employees have an account, with different access rights depending on their use. It requires a bit of configuration at start-up, but once it’s done, it’s life-changing. And there’s always room for improvement!

In fact, VSA’s teams are very proactive when it comes to upgrading the tool. You can submit new requirements, which are then communicated to all VSA customers. You can also vote for requirements submitted by other customers if they interest you too.

This allows us to adapt the tool to our specific needs as much as possible.

Would you recommend VSA?

“Yes, I would recommend VSA. I discovered this tool when I joined the company in 2019 and I don’t regret it!

It’s a highly comprehensive tool, enabling consulting firms such as ACALY to bring all corporate functions together in a single space.

For example, our Human Resources, Recruitment, Sales and Finance departments are not managed and operated by the same people, but they do communicate with each other. We don’t need to enter the same information in several places, because we don’t have the same tools in-house. This saves us precious time.

Finally, I find that it’s not a difficult interface to grasp and master, everything is pretty intuitive.”

Julia BESSON, Human Resources Director at Acaly. Customer since 2015

ressources disponibles logiciel commercial

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