One Portage

Chez Oneportage, collaborateurs et salariés portés utilisent le logiciel VSP
10 people

Can you tell us about One Portage?

One Portage is an umbrella company, created at the end of 2021 and currently employing around ten people.

And could you please define your role within One Portage?

I’m the manager.

Why did One Portage decide to implement a SaaS-based ERP solution?

Following our creation, and in view of the complexity of managing a freelance activity, we were keen to set up a management tool that would make our day-to-day work easier and meet the specific requirements of our business.

Why did you choose VSP at One Portage?

VSP was identified as a player with a specific tool for wage portage. This enabled us, as part of our business launch, to do things as simply as possible with a player who knew what was at stake in the sector.

As I also run an HR consulting business, the fact that VSP offers functionalities specific to this activity is a plus, the day we take the plunge into this area.

What were your fears about implementing ERP in your company?

There was no particular fear, as my “original” profession was HRIS project management, I was at ease with the implementation of this type of tool, especially in SaaS.

How did the VSP integration process go, and how did you get on with our teams?

In a very fluid way, I was contacted for a “commercial” presentation, with the sending of an offer. Then, after validation, my account manager reviewed the situation with me to prepare my base, and I was offered training.

What benefits has VSP brought to your employees?

Easy access to data and day-to-day monitoring / input of elements required for the business.

What do you like best about VSP?

The tool is complete, and I don’t use all the available menus.

The support team is responsive and takes on board any requests for improvements submitted.

Would you recommend VSPortage?

Yes, I already have!

ressources disponibles logiciel commercial

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