SPI Informatique

spi informatique a choisi l'ERP vsa
40 people

Founded in 1995, SPI Informatique is an IT services company based in Niort, Evry and Nantes.

The company employs 40 people and generates sales of 3.5 million euros.

It has been using Veryswing’s VSActivity software since 2014.

Context and need

When Fabrice Horgues joined SPI Informatique as Managing Director, he noticed that the company was not very computerized.

Many Excel files were created and maintained to manage the company.

He explains, “I was looking for a solution to computerize internal processes and dematerialize all procedures. It was essential for me to gain visibility over the activity of SPI Informatique’s 2 entities, and to enable all employees to connect from anywhere”.

The solution

SPI Informatique studied several solutions before selecting VSActivity.

“I was won over by the ease of use of the tool, its rich functionality and its SaaS mode, which enables remote access. It’s a solution created for service companies by people with experience in this sector, who know our problems inside out. The other solutions we looked at were too general,” says Fabrice Horgues.

At SPI Informatique, all employees use VSActivity, and almost all functions are in use.

Fabrice Horgues explains, “We went live very quickly. Once we had been trained on the tool, we implemented the various functions as we went along, to give our teams time to build up their skills. When a new employee joins our company, he or she takes to the tool very easily, as the interface is intuitive”.

The benefits

“Thanks to VSActivity, all our employees are more productive: certain tasks, which used to take several hours, can now be completed in just a few minutes. VSActivity gives our staff a modern image of our company. We all work with a single tool, whose database can be accessed in real time from any computer, tablet or smartphone,” concludes Fabrice Horgues.

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VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for ESNs and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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