
L'intégrateur Metsys utilise la solution métier vsa
100 people

Metsys is a Digital Services Company created in 2012 that employs 100 people.

The company posted sales of 11 million euros in 2016.

It has been using Veryswing’s VSActivity software since 2014.

Context and need

3 years after its creation, the company, which had 20 employees, decided to equip itself with an ERP to manage its business.

Laurent Cayatte, Chairman, comments: “Managing our company with Excel files was no longer an option. We needed an ERP to manage invoicing, management control, finance and our consultants’ activity reports and expense reports. ”

The solution

After studying various solutions on the market, VSActivity was chosen.

Laurent Cayatte explains: “VSActivity was created by people from the service sector who know our business and the challenges we face. The solution was chosen because it meets our expectations 100%, is simple to implement and very intuitive for our employees. ”

Implementation went smoothly, and the tool is used by all employees: sales administration, accounting, finance, human resources and management.

The benefits

Laurent Cayatte comments: “We enjoy working with Veryswing. They’re a team that really listens to their customers. We were able to point out a few areas for improvement, which have been taken into account in the new versions of the offer. We really appreciate this collaboration. ”

He concludes: “The tool has accompanied the growth of our company, which has gone from 20 to 100 employees. It enables our teams to be more productive, and considerably reduces the risk of errors or omissions, as was sometimes the case with our Excel files. “

ressources disponibles logiciel commercial

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VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for ESNs and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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