Protect your customers’ data!

You’re responsible for your customers’ data, so it’s important to protect it!

Did you know? Teleworking employees are the new target for hackers.

Here are some figures…

Since the start of the health crisis and the rise of teleworking in France, cyber attacks have increased by +400%.

It’s now 1 in 2 businesses that have fallen victim to a cyber attack.

Last but not least, 69% of the companies affected are SMEs.

So protect yourself and choose service providers and suppliers who protect themselves!

What are the best practices for safe teleworking?

  1. Change your Internet box settings: Remove the default settings that hackers know so well, and change your password regularly!
  2. Update your devices and software: Updates remove and protect you a little more against threats!
  3. Check your Wi-Fi security key: if you’re using WPA or WPA2, change the settings to WPA3!
  4. Adopt two-factor authentication (2FA): double your security when logging on.

How can I assure my customers that I am protecting their data?

For this, there are certifications to prove to your customers and prospects that you are following processes to secure their data.

This is exactly what Veryswing has done by obtaining ISO 27001 certification.

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Interested? Discover our vsa software!

VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for IT services companies and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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VSPortage (vsp) is the #1 ERP software dedicated to umbrella companies.

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